Orient Lodge 4085

In the Province of Suffolk

The Royal Arch

Why join the Royal Arch

The Royal Arch has many Chapters in Lowestoft and they are generally attached to a craft lodge.

The Preliminary Declaration of the General Laws and Regulations for the Government of the Craft (the Book of Constitutions) says:

“By the solemn Act of Union between the two Grand Lodges of Free-Masons of England in December 1813, it was ‘declared and pronounced that pure Antient Masonry consists of three degrees and no more, viz., those of the Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft, and the Master Mason, including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch’.

At the Quarterly Communication of 10 December 2003 the United Grand Lodge of England acknowledged and pronounced the status of the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch to be ‘an extension to, but neither a superior nor a subordinate part of, the Degrees which precede it'”

Before the union of the ‘Modern’ and the ‘Ancient’ Grand Lodges in 1813, a Freemason was Exalted into the Holy Royal Arch at a regular Lodge meeting but since the formation of the The United Grand Lodge of England, the ceremony has only been conducted in a separate meeting of a Royal Arch Chapter.

Any Freemason of good standing who has been Raised “for four weeks and upwards” is invited to contact the lodges own Royal Arch representative or the Lodge Secretary for further details. The Royal Arch Representative is a recent addition to the officers in the craft lodge and encourages its members to join the Royal Arch.

Welcome Seminars:

Welcome Seminars are held every year for the Royal Arch in Freemasons Hall, Gt Queen Street, London. A very interesting seminar to attend where you can learn more about the ceremony through which you have passed. Another Companion can accompany you, if you wish, or another Chapter member who is mentoring you. The occasion provides an opportunity to meet other recent exaltees, to exchange experiences, and perhaps arrange to visit each other’s Chapters. There is no charge to attend these seminars. New dates will be announced later.