Orient Lodge 4085

In the Province of Suffolk

Lodge News

In Lodge:

W.Bro Liam Allan has taken the position of Worshipful Master of the lodge for 2024/2025, and was installed at the March 6th installation meeting. He is encouraging members to come along together and visit other lodges as the Orient group. We all look forward to a very enjoyable year.

Worshipful Master for 2024/2025 is W.Bro Liam Allan. Liam is looking forward to the ensuing year with the support of his officers and brethren.
Officers in post are: IPM WB Chris Warnes: SW Bro Duane Ashworth: JW Bro Robbie Hall: SD Bro Stan Clouthing: JD Bro Andy Cunningham: Treasurer: Bro Alan Ramsden: Secretary WB John Holland: Chaplain Bro Ian Moir: Mentor WB Tom Starling: Membership Officer Bro Robbie Hall: Inner Guard Bro Sam Hill: Tyler WB Paul Barker: Almoner Bro David o'Dyer; Charity Steward WB Chris Warnes: Assistant Secretary Bro Roger Moore: Stewards Bro Colin Goodings (Chief), Bro Angus Moir, Bro Jamie Stewart, Bro Chris Holland, Bro George Teece, Bro Daniel Hearth, Bro Andy London.


WM. Liam Allan with his Wardens

Festival 2029

The festival is a fundraising appeal that is held to raise funds in support of the Masonic Charitable Foundation, MCF. The festival consists of an ‘appeal’ and a ‘finale’. During the appeal, members across the Province are encouraged to donate, raise funds, participate in events, learn about and promote the work of the charity, and join together for the benefit of the Province, the members and the MCF. The result of the appeal is celebrated at a final event where the total amount raised through donations is announced and the achievements and activities of the Province are celebrated. It is planned to finish in Summer 2029 with an event where all will be welcome to celebrate our success.

Orient Lodge has started to donate to the festival through gift aid envelopes, one of the events is a festival Skydive, the lodge is sponsoring Bro Sam Hill and is selling festival parachute pins with the money going towards the festival.

The festival is very much a partnership with the MCF. Through participation in every aspect of the festival, the MCF aims to work with the Province to deliver a successful outcome.

What does Suffolk achieve from the Festival appeal?

We receive grants, support and assistance from the MCF throughout the year, not just during the Festival.

Suffolk Masonic Golf Society

The Suffolk Masonic Golf Society had its planned matches cancelled in 2020 because of the pandemic and the following years were to prove difficult to organize events because of restrictions applied by clubs, the reluctance to meet up in groups and the actual price increases. There is now an opportunity to move forward and it is hoped to re-kindle the Society albeit on a small scale. There are a number of important items to establish before we can proceed to hold events, however, if you are interested in being part of the reformed Society would you please e mail me. Depending on the uptake it is likely that a zoom meeting will be held to confirm the various matters that would be necessary for the Society to function on a firm footing. Regards, Trevor. Would you contact me on trevor.tinley1@btinternet.com

New members are always welcome, and it encouraged that current members find suitable people to join and keep up the good work the lodge does to contribute to charity in general and the community in particular, This web site would be a good source of information for prospective members.

Royal Arch Chapter

Chapters are at present encouraging members of the lodge to join. It rounds off the craft degrees and is another enjoyable part of masonry, with only three meetings a year generally, it does not take up a great deal of time and is rewarding as the completion of craft masonry.
Why Join the Royal Arch

Items of Interest:

Lodge web address is: https://orientlodge4085.org

Suffolk Freemasons This is a site built by Provincial Grand Lodge of Suffolk, for Suffolk Freemasons. It has a lot of information about what changes are taking place as well as a wealth of other information.

A Recommended read is Freemasonry Today and Forum Magazine. With the magazine comes information of the new Masonic Charity Foundation.

You can see extracts from Freemasonry today Below.

Almoners Spot:

Bro David O'Dwyer is our almoner for the ensuing year so please contact him if you or any lodge members need assistance.

Charity Stewards Spot:

Our Charity Steward W.Bro Chris Warnes is always pleased to take any donations during the meetings, A Bro sits in the bar to accept any loose change which goes towards the lodge widows gift given at Christmas. It is encouraged that members take out a covenant which goes towards the lodge charity fund, a monthly donation of either £2, £3, £5, or what ever you can give, which is gift aided can make a huge difference to the donations made to local charities.

WM charity will be This year is: TBA

Check out the charity page for more information.