Orient Lodge 4085

In the Province of Suffolk

Lodge Meetings

The Orient Lodge meets at the Lowestoft Masonic Centre, The Avenue, Lowestoft, from October through to May, meeting on the first Wednesday of the month. We are in many respects a winter Lodge as there are no meetings during the months of June through to September, although it is highly likely you will get invited to other lodge meetings as a guest and if you really find freemasonry interesting, you can join other lodges as well.

The meeting in March is the Installation meeting where the new Worshipful Master is installed. The various officers are also installed at this time.
There are 8 regular meetings held each year, these regular meetings are held at 6.15 pm on the 1st Wednesday in the month, except the March meeting which is held earlier when we install the new master for the year.

After the work in the Lodge we retire to the bar and then to dinner, where the Masonic traditions are carried on. This is another opportunity to to socialize with Lodge members and guests, who come from all walks of life. All Lodge members are encouraged to bring guests, which are made most welcome by the Lodge members this, also makes for a more congenial meeting especially at Christmas time where everyone looks forward to the christmas period.

Meeting Dates:

    Meeting dates: 1st Wednesday of the month October to May.
    Lodge of Instruction: 2nd and 4th Wed's October to May.

  • Diary Dates 2024

  • January: GP Meeting 9th, LOI 10th & 24th.
  • February: Social Sat 24, 19th Return visit to Lodge of Prudence, LOI 14th & 28th.
  • March: LOI 13th & 27th.
  • April: LOI 10th & 24th.
  • May GP Meeting 23rd, LOI 8th & 22nd.

  • June, July August: Free

  • September: 3rd GP Meeting, Return Visit Waveney Lodge, LOI 18th.
  • October: Social Sat 5th, LOI 9th and 23rd.
  • November: LoI 13th and 27th.
  • December: LOI Supper 11th.

LoI Start Times 7.30pm

GP Meetings 2024: 9th Jan, 23rd May, and 3rd Sept

Socials: 24th Feb, and 5th Oct 2024